Joywell Hotel, Fremont

Joywell’s brand speaks a lot to authenticity. The most responsive architectural  approach is to echo Joywell’s branding by being true to the building’s location and  surrounding environments. We have specific orientational conditions that include a Northern exposure that is susceptible to noise traffic; a Southern orientation which naturally allows for arrivals and entrances with some solar exposure; an Eastern orientation exhibiting wonderful views of Fremont’s rolling hills and a Western orientation that suffers from immense heat and will need protection. 

Using this “authentically responsive” idea, we are creating an architectural design that  is unique to its four orientations. Each elevation will have a familiarity through material with each of the other elevations, but will also be identifiably unique as it responds to its context. Combining purpose with authenticity, these responses compliment the brand’s pillar of making purposeful decisions at every level of design.

Collaborators include:

Landscape: McCullough Landscape Architecture

Structural Engineering: KPFF Structural Engineers
